
Sustainable Mountain Bike Development

18. January 2021
The goals and activities of the Mountain Bike Tourism Forum follow the guiding principle of sustainability. We strive for a resource-conserving, socially acceptable and environmentally friendly development of mountain biking. In doing so, we act as an interface between stakeholders in the industry and support the sustainable development of rural and urban areas.
2019_MBH_Detail (21)

The core activities of the Mountainbike Tourism Forum Deutschland e. V. are:

  • The organisation and implementation of scientific events and research projects
  • The development of Guidelines and Working Aids for bike tourism
  • The representation of the interests of those involved in mountain bike tourism at regional, national and European levels as well as in international co-operations
  • Participation in, organisation, implementation and management of cooperation projects, dialogue forums and networking events for the sustainable development of mountain biking
  • The promotion of networking and dialogue among stakeholders in the sector (tourism, public administration, politics, nature conservation, forestry, youth work, industry, sports, science and media)

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